Thank you for choosing to make an online donation the Lake Taupō Hospice using our secure website. All gifts of $5 or more are tax deductible and will receive an official receipt via email.
By donating to Lake Taupō Hospice, you help us to reduce our costs and contribute to the specialist palliative care we provide our patients and support for their families.
Contributions to the wishlist products ensure we have access to much-needed items that we regularly use. This is a tangible way for you to support Lake Taupō Hospice as each item plays a crucial role in the care that we provide to patients and their families.
This is a secure site. Fraudulent transactions will be reported.
Bank transfers
You can make a single, monthly, or annual donation from your bank account by online transfer/internet banking.
Please use the details below to make a bank transfer.
Reference - Your name
Please include your name as a reference and Donation as particulars and contact us at 07 377 4252 to organise your receipt.
NAME: Lake Taupo Hospice
BANK: Westpac
ACCOUNT: 03-0430-0058202-00
REFERENCE - Your name
Please indicate whether you would like to receive a receipt via email (finance@laketaupohospice.co.nz) or post and include your contact information.
Lake Taupo Hospice
PO Box 950
Taupo 3551
Lake Taupo Hospice is a registered charity with the New Zealand Charities Commission (CC22997), making you eligible for a tax refund of up to a third of your donation. All transactions are billed in New Zealand dollars (NZD).